LAGO Thematic Service.
Raúl Pagán Muñoz

LAGO Thematic Service.

This training has been specifically designed for the use of the services developed within the context of the European project EOSC SYNERGY for the LAGO (Latin American Giant Observatory). The LAGO thematic service has mainly consisted of the integration of different resources to process, analyze and simulate data from the LAGO and pretends to enable the long-term standardized use of the generated data within and outside the LAGO collaboration through a Virtual Observatory. 

The training aims to teach the participants in the use of the LAGO service for instance on how to join the LAGO Virtual Organisation and the associated repositories, to understand the DMP and the EGI community for advanced computing, on how to access the infrastructure manager to create a virtual environment.

The audience of this course will be educated on the thematic service and the associated concepts necessary to use the resources. From the introduction of the LAGO architecture in EOSC SYNERGY to the possibility of performing their simulations, data analysis, etc. This course will guide the participants through all the steps of the process. However, it is not one of the goals of this course to educate the audience on the physics behind the tools (e.g. ARTI for simulations), but the participants should already have the necessary background and understanding of the topic (astroparticle physics or any other related field).

EOSC Synergy: Creating quality online training.

EOSC Synergy: Creating quality online training.

Quality training needs good design

It’s tempting to jump in and create your content on one of the many learning tools and platforms out there, but spending time on design will save you time and produce better results.

This course will guide you through the steps of course design and implementation, giving practical tips and case studies. 

Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster: EC3
Amanda Calatrava

Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster: EC3

This course is aimed at learning about the Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster (EC3) tool and how to integrate it in your solution. EC3 is a tool that enables users to deploy self-managed clusters that are enlarged and shrunk automatically depending on the workload. 

The course aims to teach the potential user on how to use the tool, and also explains the related concepts where EC3 is focused. The materials are divided in two categories, so students can go in depth with the contents depending on their needs. The course includes some practical examples, taken from real use cases of the EOSC Synergy project. Specifically, the SAPS thematic service is used as an example of integration with the EC3 environment.

EOSC-Synergy learning services guide.

EOSC-Synergy learning services guide.

This course is a guide to help you understand how to use the services we provide to you!

Using Kubernetes on Federated Cloud in EOSC-Synergy.

Using Kubernetes on Federated Cloud in EOSC-Synergy.

This course is for Community administrators to understand how to create kubernetes clusters on the infrastructure.

Bringing synergy to better data management and research in Europe.

Bringing synergy to better data management and research in Europe.

The online course ‘Bringing synergy to better data management and research in Europe’ covers four themes: Open Science and EOSC, research data management, FAIR principles, and data management plans. 

The main three objectives are to:

  • Provide a basic understanding of EOSC and Open Science in relation to the EOSC Synergy project.

  • Familiarise with key concepts and practical tools for FAIR data and data management.

  • Raise awareness on best practices in research data management and equip learners with practical tools to embrace these practices.